Retirement Plan Solutions

Common Remitting

Many K-12 public school systems and other not-for-profit organizations allow their employees to contribute to a Section 403(b) or 403(b) (7) retirement plan through payroll deduction. These employees' plans contributions must be forwarded to each active investment provider.

Without Bay Bridge's help, you may have to maintain separate records for each investment provider and write a separate monthly check to each one. We can relieve you of that burden. Using our common remitting service, you will only write one monthly check - to Bay Bridge. We will forward all employee and employer (if any) contributions to each of the respective plan vendors.

IRS Compliance Reporting

Employers take on the primary responsibility of ensuring 403(b) plan compliance under Internal Revenue Service regulations which became effective January 1, 2009. Bay Bridge's proactive compliance services can relieve employers of those burdens. Our services include:

  • All approved providers and services
  • Transfer monitoring among approved providers
  • Contribution and catch-up limit monitoring
  • Hardship distribution approval and deferral suspension notification and monitoring
  • Loan approval and monitoring
  • Distribution approval and notice to providers
  • Required minimum distributions

Section 403(b) plans are likely not your area of expertise, so let Bay Bridge handle those compliance and reporting requirements for you. We will prepare all required IRS reports and will ensure your compliance with current and future regulations.

Plan Information for
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