
Bay Bridge Administrators offers a comprehensive line of programs that are flexible and provide cost-effective solutions. With our flexibility and program creativity, we can help you achieve your Risk Management Objectives. Our repository of custom products includes lines in:

If you are interested in any of the above products or would like information on more products, please fill out the form to the right or call us toll free at (800) 845-7519.





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- Accident Insurance

While busy with our every day activities, we often think about the injuries or death that can result from an accident. Not being prepared for an accident can have a significant financial impact on your savings. Consider the following:

  • About 1 out of 19 Americans is injured at home or in their community each year.
  • A fatal injury occurs every 5 minutes, and a disabling injury occurs every 16 seconds.
  • In the home, there is a fatal injury every 16 minutes and a disabliing injury every 4 seconds.
  • Wage losses, medical expenses, property damage, fire losses, and other expenses related to non-fatal accidents cost approximately $607 billion. That is an average of $5,700 for each household.

Source: Data from Injury Facts, Published by the National Safety Council

Supplemental Accident coverage through Bay Bridge Aministrators can help you prepare for the unexpected

Bay Bridge offers a flexible Accident Insurance Plan that provides varying levels of coverage. Benefits are payable for on and off-the-job accidents, and optional riders provide additional protection for a disability due to sickness or accident.

Types of benefits offered by the Accident plan include:

  • Accidental Death
  • Accidental Dismemberment, Dislocation, or Fracture
  • Hospital Confinement and Hospital Care
  • Accident Medical Expenses
  • Post Hospital Treatment Benefits

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- Cancer and Specified Disease Insurance

Why consider a Cancer plan when you have Major Medical coverage? According to the American Cancer Society's Facts and Figures, direct medical costs only represent about 35% of the cost when you are stricken with Cancer. That means about two-thirds of the cost relating to the treatment of Cancer are non-medical, such as travel and lodging to and from treatment, medication, co-payments, special diets and treatment not covered by health insurance

Many families do not anticipate the increase in expenses when fighting Cancer. But when income decreases due to missed work in order to seek treatment, the economic burden can financially drain a family.

Bay Bridge Administrators offers a Cancer insurance policy that supplements your major medical coverage to offset the high cost of cancer treatment. The Cancer plan pays benefits directly to you to help with out of pocket expenses, such as mortgage, utility bills, transportation costs and every day living expenses. You use the money however you want.

The Cancer policy provides benefits for Cancer and 32 specified diseases. Some benefits include:

  • Wellness
  • Hospital Confinement
  • Radiation, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Radioactive Isotopes
  • Bone Marrow Donor & Transplant
  • Self-Administered Drugs
  • First Occurrence

The Cancer policy is guaranteed renewable for life (as long as premiums are paid) and is portable, which allows you to take the policy with you after retirement or leaving employment.

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- Heart Attack, Heart Disease and Stroke Insurance

Why consider a Heart Attack, Heart Disease or Stroke Insurance? What would happen if you or a loved one suffered a heart attack or stroke? Most of us would be concerned with getting immediate medical help and the best treatment available. While advancements in medical treatments have been made, the associated costs and out-of-pocket expenses have also increased dramatically.

Consider the following:

  • About 700,000 Americans will have a stroke this year; that is one person every 45 seconds.
  • In 2005, the estimated direct and indirect cost of cardiovascular disease was 393.5 billion
  • Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) caused 1 of every 5 deaths in the United States in 2002. CHD is the single largest killer of American males and females. About every 26 seconds an American will suffer a coronary event, and approximately every minute someone will die from one.

Source: Data from Injury Facts, Published by the National Safety Council

The effects of Heart Attack, Heart Disease and Stroke are immediate and often long lasting. However, the financial impact can be lessened with a supplemental Heart Attack, Heart Disease, and Stroke Policy through Bay Bridge Administrators. Benefits are payable directly to you and are receivable in addition to your major medical coverage. The benefits under the Policy include:

  • Hospital Confinement
  • Cardiograms
  • Coronary Angioplasty
  • Private Duty Nursing
  • Surgery
  • Heart Transplant

Additional protection is offered through an Optional Cancer First Diagnosis Rider and Hospital Intensive Care Rider. Coverage under the policy is guaranteed renewable for life and is portable, which allows you to take the policy with you if you change employers or retire.

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- Voluntary Disability

Bay Bridge's innovative Voluntary Disability Programs provide security and peace of mind to employees and help schools' risk managers meet their objectives. Our Disability Plans include:

  • Flexible features
  • Reasonable prices
  • Courteous, efficient service
  • Help in getting disabled teachers back to work as soon as possible

Our Plans offer a wide array of options including:

  • Rehabilitation benefits
  • Partial disability benefits
  • Portability
  • Survivor benefits
  • Drug and Alcohol benefits
  • Mental and nervous benefits
  • Hospital confinement benefits
  • Limited medical reimbursement
  • Accidental death insurance

In addition to the variety of features available, our Plans are attractive to teachers and all school employees because:

  • Employee has a choice of elimination periods
  • Employee has a choice of benefits payment periods
  • Benefits increase automatically when salaries increase

By facilitating a teacher's earlier return to the classroom, our Plans provide a school for:

  • Better classroom management
  • Improved student attendance
  • Higher test scores
  • Increased district funding

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