Retiree Group Medical Plans

TAGCO Associates, LP and TAGCO carrier partners have provided solutions and service in the Retiree Medical marketplace since 1991-1992, when Group Retiree Medical was legislated into existence by the United States Congress. Bay Bridge Administrators took over plan servicing and administration for these plans effective May 1, 2021.

Working together with carrier partners, TAGCO has developed a national niche delivery system via the TAGCO Multiple Employer Trust, offering Group Medicare Medical and Rx plan designs for public and private employers with nationally competitive benefits and rates.

Group Medicare Medical Plans

  • Are Guaranteed Issue and Fully Insured
  • No underwriting or health questions
  • No networks, use any doctor that accepts Medicare
  • Additional benefits including hearing, acupuncture, chiropractic

Group Medicare EGWP Part D Rx Plans

  • First dollar co-pay
  • Zero deductible
  • Full coverage through the Coverage Gap (no donut hole)
  • Comprehensive Group Plus Formulary

If you are interested in our Retiree Health products and services or would like information, please fill out the form to the right or call us toll free at (800) 275-2147.

TAGCO's Website:

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